Streamline Your Workflow with AI-Driven Continuous Localization

Chris Tsolakis
February 15, 2024
8 min read

In this digital age, where agile development is the norm, efficient and swift localization is key to global success. With 86% of companies prioritizing rapid development cycles, traditional localization methods can’t keep up. That’s where Continuous Localization (CL), powered by AI, comes into play.

Designed to streamline the translation and localization of digital content in sync with agile development cycles, CL enables teams to keep up with the breakneck pace of the industry without any hiccups. Transifex’s localization hub takes CL a step further by integrating AI into the process to accelerate and optimize even the most challenging workflows. 

With the help of AI-powered CL, teams can maintain a consistent global presence, adapt quickly to market changes, and deliver culturally relevant content without extensive manual work. 

Let’s explore how you can leverage AI to make localization a continuous and automated process.

The Need for AI in Localization

As companies strive to expand their reach on a global scale, traditional localization techniques are proving to be increasingly inadequate. The demands of modern markets are evolving at such a rapid pace that these methods are falling behind, creating a major gap between the potential impact on the market and the actual results. 

Here’s a closer look at why traditional methods fall short:

Manual Processes: Traditional approaches heavily rely on manual processes for managing translations, tracking changes, and coordinating between teams, leading to significant delays, increased risk of human error, and inefficiency.

Scalability Issues: Scaling the localization process to accommodate multiple languages and large volumes of content can be cumbersome and resource-intensive. 

Quality Control: Ensuring consistent quality across all translated materials is more difficult with traditional localization methods. The lack of integrated quality assurance tools can result in inconsistencies and errors in the translated content.

Cost: Traditional localization can be costly due to the need for extensive human resources, including translators, project managers, and quality assurance teams. The manual nature of the process also adds to the overall expense.

Time to Market: The slow and complex nature of traditional localization methods can significantly delay the release of products and content in new markets, impacting competitiveness and the ability to capitalize on global opportunities.

Collaboration Challenges: Effective collaboration between translators, content creators, and other stakeholders is crucial for successful localization. Traditional methods often lack the tools and platforms that support seamless collaboration, making it difficult to effectively manage and coordinate the localization process.

Tech Stack Integration: Integrating localization processes with existing content management systems (CMS), development workflows, and other technological infrastructures can be challenging with traditional methods. These issues lead to additional work and complexity in maintaining up-to-date versions across all platforms.


How AI-Powered CL Overcomes Traditional Hurdles

AI-powered CL transforms global content delivery. By leveraging advanced automations and Machine Learning algorithms, it confronts the limitations of traditional localization head-on. Here’s an overview of how CL can optimize processes:

Enhancing efficiency and speed through automation, significantly reducing manual work and associated errors.

Scaling effortlessly across languages and content volumes without proportional increases in resources or complexity.

Improving quality control with context-aware capabilities for consistent, error-free translations.

Reducing costs by minimizing the need for extensive human intervention and streamlining the localization workflow.

Accelerating time to market, ensuring products and content are launched globally without unnecessary delays.

Facilitating collaboration through platforms that support seamless interaction among all parties involved in the localization process.

Simplifying tech integration, allowing localization to adapt fluidly to existing systems and workflows.


Implementing an AI-Driven Continuous Localization Workflow

Incorporating an AI-driven CL workflow can help you effortlessly overcome the challenges of multilingual localization. Through the advanced AI capabilities and automations of Transifex, you can unlock a more accurate, cost-effective, and scalable localization process that adapts to your unique needs.

Continuous Localization Cycle with AI


Here’s how to turn localization into a strategic asset for your global expansion toolkit: 

1. Preparation

  • Integration with Content Sources: Transifex supports over 40 integrations with CMS, code repositories, and other platforms, allowing for easy content upload and management.
  • Project Setup: Users can set up projects, define languages, and organize content efficiently, preparing the groundwork for a seamless translation process.

2. Translation

  • Transifex AI for Initial Translations: For bulk translations, Transifex AI offers rapid, cost-effective, and context-aware translations, significantly reducing the initial time and effort.
  • Collaborative Environment: The platform’s online editor supports live collaboration between translators, reviewers, and project managers, enhancing the translation quality through real-time feedback and adjustments.

3. Quality Assurance

  • Automated Quality Checks: Transifex includes built-in evaluation of each translation through predefined rules (translation tasks) to ensure its seamless integration, safeguarding your application from inconsistencies and deviations from the glossary terms.
  • Review and Proofreading: After AI-assisted translation, human reviewers can refine and approve translations, ensuring they meet the highest quality standards.

4. Implementation of Translated Files

  • Workflow Automation: Transifex Workflows enable the automation of publishing processes, allowing new translations to be implemented instantly into the live environment (through Transifex Live) without manual intervention.

5. Testing

  • Over-the-Air (OTA) Publishing: With OTA capabilities, translations can be updated and tested in real time, facilitating immediate feedback on the implemented translations without redeploying the entire application.

6. Stakeholder Feedback

  • Feedback Integration: Transifex allows stakeholders to provide feedback directly through the platform or via integrated communication channels, ensuring that translations continually improve and align with expectations.

7. Delivery

  • Automated Deployment: Completed translations can be automatically pushed to production environments, ensuring timely delivery of localized content to global audiences.

8. Maintenance

  • Continuous Localization: The continuous localization framework ensures that new content is automatically captured, translated, and updated, keeping the localized versions of a project up-to-date with minimal effort.

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Integrating Continuous Localization in CI/CD Process

When Continuous Localization is integrated with CI/CD processes, it ensures that every update to your code triggers immediate, automated localization. This connection between development and translation helps to minimize delays, enabling you to release your product globally with ease. By following a few simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate your localization process with your development cycle to enhance efficiency and ensure timely updates for all of your audience.


Integration at the Source Level:

CL tools like Transifex are integrated directly into the source control management system (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). This ensures that every time developers push new code or content updates, it automatically triggers localization tasks.

Automated Detection of Changes:

The CL system monitors the repositories for changes to source files. When new updates are detected, the system automatically extracts the strings needing translation and updates the translation tasks, ensuring nothing gets missed.

Parallel Translation and Development:

As developers continue to work on new features and updates, translators concurrently work on the new and updated strings. This parallel workflow significantly reduces the time-to-market for new features in multiple languages.

Translation Memory and Machine Translation:

CL leverages Translation Memory (TM), where applicable, and Machine Translation (MT) to speed up the translation process. TM suggestions help maintain consistency and reduce the effort needed for translations by reusing previously translated content.

Quality Assurance Checks:

Automated quality checks are run on translations to ensure they meet predefined standards before being merged back into the codebase. This step includes checking for translation accuracy, consistency, and ensuring no integration issues arise from the translations.

Automated Merging and Deployment:

Once translations are completed and pass QA checks, they are automatically merged back into the development branch. This process is managed through pull requests or direct integration with the repository, depending on the workflow established.

Continuous Deployment with Localization:

The CI/CD pipeline automatically deploys the latest version of the software, including the updated translations. This ensures that all users, regardless of their language, have access to the latest features and content.

Feedback and Iteration:

Post-deployment feedback on translations can be gathered from users and stakeholders. The feedback will then be used to refine translations and improve the quality of subsequent iterations.

Maintenance and Updates:

Continuous Localization is an ongoing process. As the software evolves, so does the need for updated translations. The CL system ensures that localization keeps pace with development, maintaining global relevance.

Wrapping Up

Transifex redefines localization in the agile era, merging AI-driven Continuous Localization seamlessly with CI/CD processes. This integration facilitates real-time, automated localization, making it an ideal fit for companies with fast-paced development cycles and global growth goals. Transifex’s localization hub simplifies the entire process from code to global content delivery, enabling you to adapt quickly to market changes and engage the world with the power of AI.

Start Your AI-Empowered Localization Journey

Are you ready to unlock the power of AI through Transifex and streamline your processes once and for all? Sign Up for a free trial or schedule a demo with a Transifex specialist today.

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Translate any webpage in just minutes with Transifex AI and receive a detailed content quality report.
Chris Tsolakis
Chris is a B2B & B2C Digital Content Manager and versatile copywriter. Based in Amsterdam, he has helped Tech companies shape and implement multichannel marketing campaigns across earned and owned media.
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