Introducing Transifex Community

Introducing Transifex Community
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Lucy Xu
January 8, 2019
2 min read

From day one, Transifex has been driven by and focused on community. We started out as open source software, connecting developers and enabling all who were interested in localization to work together to take their content worldwide.

Transifex has grown to become the modern, developer-friendly, continuous localization platform for today’s growing companies. With features that enable leading companies like Trello to crowdsource quality translations from their passionate users, Transifex has and will continue to be driven by the community. And our latest update is no exception.

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of Transifex Community — a place where developers, localization managers, translators, and other Transifex users and customers can go to ask questions and get interactive feedback.

Welcome to Transifex Community

Whether you are searching for solutions for your localization challenges, looking to connect with other translators, or interested in submitting a new feature request, Transifex Community is here for you. All questions you ask on the platform will be answered by our top-notch Customer Success team and your fellow Transifex community.

Transifex Community

All Are Welcome

At Transifex, we are on a mission to break down language barriers by making localization accessible to everyone. And Transifex Community is taking us one step closer to achieving that mission.

To join the conversation and get support for all your localization needs, simply sign up at

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Translate any webpage in just minutes with Transifex AI and receive a detailed content quality report.
Lucy Xu
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