Concordance Search Added to the Web Editor
Today’s update brings a much-requested feature to the web editor, concordance search, that allows for a more fine-grained use of the Translation Memory of the project.
This new feature enables translators to search for a specific word or phrase in the project’s Translation Memory. The search results show all segments containing that word or phrase along with their translation, the translator, date of the translation, and the project the result comes from.
This way translators can search for how words or phrases have been translated in the past and re-use the same translation, ensuring a higher level of quality and consistency in the translations.
Moreover, the name of the project the result comes from and the translator and date of the translation help translators filter out translations that are no longer relevant.
On the other hand, the suggestions feature shows the translator the best translations for the whole segment.
To use the concordance search, you can either press the ‘c
’ key or click on the respective icon in the suggestions tab. A panel will appear, where you can enter the word or phrase to search for and the respective results.
You can find more details in our support center.