The Hub and Child project types

The Hub and Child project types
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Dimitris Glezos
May 3, 2012
2 min read

Depending on the type of your project, you can use Transifex in many ways to get the best workflow. Very often companies have many products that are handled under a single umbrella, what we call a ‘Translation Hub’ on Transifex. The main components of a hub are usually the human resources and the release process, and child projects re-use these elements from the parent project.

Let’s take the Fedora Project for example. The Fedora project on Transifex is a hub that hosts the community’s resources, such as the people involved in the translation and the release process.

Hub projects structure

The maintainers of the child projects, like Anaconda and Firstboot, have full control of their projects and can update their translation resources as needed. The people working on the translations really belong to the hub. Ideally these resources could follow the hub’s release cycle and get shipped under specific release versions (F16, F17, devel). This will help with having more control of what’s necessary to get translated and at each period of time.

So, basically a hub on Transifex is a project that holds the logistics of access control, usually behind structured language teams, and makes it available to child projects. Now, the question is:

How can I actually set this on Transifex?

I would say it’s dead simple. If you maintain a project on Transifex, you probably already saw that your project can be categorized under 3 types:

  • Typical: A typical standalone project. It has its own access control rules and no other project.
  • Hub: A project set as a Hub will aggregate information from other projects. The language table will include the translations of all its child projects.
  • Child: Projects which re-use the translation teams of a hub project.

Just a couple of check boxes! Straight forward, right? Here are some more information which can help:

  • You can only outsource access to a Hub — outsourcing access to a Typical project is not allowed – Kinda obvious, but worth mentioning.
  • A Hub can’t outsource its access to another hub.
  • Outsourcing team control to a Hub needs to be approved by one of the Hub maintainers, unless both are maintained by the same user.
  • Hubs can have their own sub-domains like and Get in touch with us if you want to set one.
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Dimitris Glezos
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