Transifex Zapier Integration: Now Publicly Available With Templates

George Kasiouras
November 18, 2021
4 min read

The Transifex Zapier integration has been available to request for a long time. We are happy to announce that it’s now publicly available for everyone! 

This is an integration that you can use to automate numerous tedious tasks by connecting Transifex to other apps, as well as other apps with each other. Here is all you need to know about it! 

What is Zapier? 

Zapier is a tool that you can use to automate app actions. And by automating software activities, you can also connect various apps with each other. 

This may sound complicated, but, in reality, it couldn’t be any easier. After all, you can use the Zapier integration without any need for coding!

To automate a task, you only need two things: 

  1. Action
  2. Reaction

Zapier integration

It’s really the very concept of coding. If something happens, do that – without the coding part. Trigger and action.

How to Use the Zapier Integration

Using the Zapier integration is as simple as following these three simple steps: 

  1. Connect Zapier to Transifex
  2. Select your favorite apps
  3. Set your desired triggers and actions 

At the moment of writing this article, you can use Transifex and Zapier with four apps. Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, and Jira; each one with its own uses and tricks. 

Popular Examples

How you are going to use Zapier comes down to creativity as well as individual needs. In some ways, you could say that the sky is the limit. 

Here are some basic and popular use case examples to get you started. 

Google Drive and Dropbox

Without Zapier or Transifex Native, you have no choice but to upload your content to Transifex every time an update happens. And you’ll also have to download translations when completed.

With Zapier, however, you can automate that process by making Google Drive or Dropbox send the updated file to Transifex for translation. When the translation is completed, you can then make Transifex send the translated document back to your storage. 

That’s a simple zap to eliminate the need for manually uploading and downloading files all the time. 

Another interesting scenario is using Google Drive to keep Google Slides in sync with Transifex


Transifex already offers a Slack integration which you can use to automatically get notifications about:

  • New resources
  • New issues or comments
  • Resolved issues
  • Project announcements
  • 100% completed translations
  • 100% project completions (Reviewed and/or proofread)
  • New discussions and/or replies
  • New team members

But Zapier gives you even more flexibility as you are not restricted to actions from Transifex to Slack. You can also set up something from Slack to Transifex, Google Drive/Dropbox, or Jira.  

For example, reviewers often need to make requests for edits to translators, and then add Jira tasks for these requests to manage everything. 

With Zapier, however, you can automate that workflow by creating a Zap for a Slack trigger, such as a message reaction, to a Jira action, such as the regular task being automatically created.


It is very often the case that the localization team needs to work in parallel with the engineers. Jira helps with that collaboration as you can use it to create tasks every time translations are updated and reviewed. 

Or, alternatively, you can let Zapier handle that for you every time it detects a completed project on Transifex! 

Pre-Made Templates to Get you Started

You don’t have to create everything from scratch. We’ve created some of the most commonly-used templates that you can use without having to set up everything. 

1: Update Existing Resources With Google Drive Updates

Having to constantly update files to Transifex every time an update happens is a tiring and repetitive process. This template automates it for you. 

Zapier integration

It’s simple. When you update a file on Google Drive, it gets automatically uploaded and updated on Transifex, as well. 

2: Upload New Google Drive Files to Transifex

With this template, you won’t have to keep on uploading files on both Google Drive and Transifex.

Just upload to Google Drive and Zapier will automatically upload that file to Transifex, too! 

3: Upload Translated Languages to Google Drive

Unless you are using Transifex Native, chances are you have to download translated languages from Transifex to your storage. 

Zapier integration

You can automate the aforementioned process with this template, which automatically downloads a 100% translated language, then uploads it to a Google Drive location of your choice!

Wrapping Up

Sounds interesting? Connect Transifex to Zapier, learn more about the new Transifex Zapier integration, or check out our help center articleZapier is free to use if you want up to 100 tasks per month, 5 single-step saps, and 15-minute update times. 

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George Kasiouras
George is a Content Marketing Expert for B2B & B2C tech companies, as well as blogs. If he is not creating content, you'll find him playing video games, the guitar, dancing, writing novels, or improvising a comedy skit, among other things.
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