QR Code Marketing: The Complete Guide

April 13, 2023
8 min read

QR codes are a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of ways to engage with your audience and drive traffic to your website. They allow you to boost your content marketing efforts by providing an easy way for your target audience to access your content.

Your audience can simply scan the QR code with their smartphones which have in-built code readers. Then, they’ll be directed to a specific landing page or content that you’ve created. This ease of access makes your content marketing efforts more effective and improves customer experience.

In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of content marketing with QR and show you how to create effective campaigns that can help your business grow.

How to Create QR Codes for Content Marketing

Creating QR codes for content marketing is a straightforward process. In this section, we’ll provide a few actionable steps for creating QR codes that you can use to drive customer engagement for your content.

1: Choose a QR Code Generator

The first step to creating a QR code for your content marketing campaign is to choose a QR code generator. There are a variety of online tools available that can help you create custom QR codes for your business. It’s advisable to go for a QR code generator that’s easy to use.

Consider using a code generator that allows you to customize your QR code with your logo and branding. This can help you make your code more appealing and increase brand recognition.

Also, choose a QR code generator that comes with built-in analytics and tracking capabilities so it is easy to monitor the performance of your content marketing campaign. It’s not a bad idea to check reviews online before making a choice.

2: Decide on the Type of Content you Want to Share

The next step is to decide on the type of content you want to share with your audience as this will make up your landing page. Landing pages are specifically designed for a particular campaign. This can include information about your product or services and special offers. It can also be an online form for generating leads or a video with product demonstrations, customer testimonials, or tutorials.

You can also add a coupon or discount code that customers can redeem by scanning the QR code. Or, redirect people to your social media platforms.

Whatever content you choose to share, make sure it aligns with the purpose of your marketing campaign. It’s not a bad idea to refine your written content with an AI content generator so it can be more engaging for your audience.

But don’t forget that for now, you shouldn’t blindly trust AI-generated content. Always double check the information you get and have a content expert optimize the content so that it resonates with your target audience.

3: Create the QR Code

Once you’ve chosen your QR code generator and decided on the content you want to share, it’s time to create the QR code. Simply input the content you want to share, and the generator will create a custom QR code for you.

Finally, download the QR code and incorporate it into your offline and digital content marketing materials. You can display these codes on billboards, product packaging, posters, or even business cards, as we’ll discuss next.

Types of QR Code Content Marketing

From product packaging to event marketing, successful content marketing with QR codes can be achieved in a variety of creative ways. Let’s explore some of the popular types:

Product packaging: You can use QR codes on product packaging to provide customers with additional information about the product.

Print ads: QR codes can be included in print campaigns to direct customers to a landing page with more information or to offer a special promotion.

Business cards: QR codes can be added to physical or digital business cards to direct prospects to your website, social media handles, latest blog posts, case studies, and any other relevant content.

Event marketing: QR codes can be used at events to provide attendees with information about the event, access to exclusive content, or enter a contest or giveaway.

QR codes can be used with in-store displays to provide customers with additional product information or to offer a special promotion. Restaurant menus are a typical example of this. If you run a membership-based organization, you can also add QR codes to your physical or digital membership cards.

Best Practices for QR Code Content Marketing

Getting the best results from your QR code content marketing will require paying attention to key details like appearance, scannability, and value.

First, you want to ensure that the code is visually appealing. So, use a high-quality image or logo and make it large enough to be scanned easily. Also, ensure that the code appears where customers are more likely to see it.

Before launching your QR code campaign, test it thoroughly with different types of smartphones and QR code scanners to make sure the code is scanning correctly. Also, ensure that the landing page or content that the QR code links to is optimized for mobile devices and provides a good user experience.

Finally, the most effective QR code campaigns provide value to the customer. So, whether it’s access to exclusive content or additional information about your products, be sure to provide relevant information on your landing page. If you cater to an international audience, it’s advisable to localize your content by using a language they understand.

QR Code Marketing Case Studies

Content marketing with QR codes has become an increasingly popular way for brands to engage with their customers, and there are certainly a few notable examples of brands that have leveraged QR codes in their content marketing efforts.

One such example is the Coinbase QR code Ad which was featured in the 2022 Super Bowl. Coinbase uniquely used QR codes to promote its cryptocurrency exchange platform. The ad featured a QR code that took users to different pages featuring information about cryptocurrencies and the benefits of using Coinbase’s platform.

The code placement in this ad was particularly interesting. Coinbase incorporated the QR codes into the visuals of the ad itself rather than simply including a QR code in the corner of the screen or as a standalone element. The company designed the ad in such a way that the QR codes were seamlessly hovering around the screen.

Another notable example is Nissan’s QR code initiative which involved putting the QR code icon on their vehicle window stickers. When scanned, the users were taken to a well-detailed product page with information about the vehicle.

Other popular brands include e-commerce brands like Shopify or Amazon, SaaS brands like Microsoft, and fashion brands like Nike. The list is endless. These are just a few examples of how you can use QR codes to improve your content marketing strategy.

QR Code Security and Privacy Concerns

One of the biggest concerns with QR codes is the potential for malicious codes that can direct users to phishing websites, malware downloads, or other harmful content. To protect your customers, make sure you only use QR codes from trusted sources and scan codes yourself before using them in your campaigns.

There is also a concern for counterfeit QR codes, which can be created and used by scammers to impersonate legitimate businesses. To combat this, use unique QR codes that are difficult to replicate and ensure that they’re only used in your authorized marketing campaigns. Also, monitor your QR code to identify any suspicious activity.

Additionally, when a customer scans a code, they may be providing personal information or allowing tracking of their online activity. This may cause them to have some privacy concerns about how you use their data.

So, you need to be transparent with customers about what data you’re collecting and how it will be used. It’s ideal to link your privacy policy on the landing page.

Finally, make sure your landing page or content is secure and doesn’t compromise their privacy.

QR Codes in Localization

Is your website available in multiple languages? What about campaigns and/or your app?

Just like with any other piece of content, you should make sure your QR codes target the right audience, in the right region, in the right language, and that they also lead back to your localized content.


QR code content marketing is a powerful tool for brands that want to connect and engage with their target market more effectively. These codes make it easy to promote your brand online and offline. Prospects only need to scan with their smartphone and they can explore the unique value that your brand offers.

In this post, we took a thorough dive into how you can maximize QR codes for your brand marketing efforts. We discussed how you can run a successful QR code campaign and what to look out for when choosing a code generator. Additionally, we showed you different QR code marketing types like product packaging, print ads, business cards, events, and in-store displays.

We also saw some real-life examples and discussed best practices like providing valuable insights, using a good design and testing your code. Finally, we discussed how to manage security challenges like protecting customers’ privacy as well as avoiding counterfeit and malicious codes.

Now, you’re fully equipped to create highly-engaging QR code marketing campaigns. Good luck!

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Claron is a brand nut. He has an unceasing curiosity about what brands do to break through the clutter to stay relevant to their audience. He also loves to explore how simple tech (QR Codes lately) can be used to improve customer experiences and, consequently, scale up brands.
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