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yurchor Profile
Member since: Thu 25 Feb 2010
Lives in: Kyiv city, Ukraine

As a Manager

Panjabi (Punjabi) language of the Mageia team team
Turkmen language of the Mageia team team
Yiddish language of the Mageia team team
Maori language of the Mageia team team
Urdu language of the Mageia team team
Marathi language of the Mageia team team
Kannada language of the Mageia team team
Assamese language of the Mageia team team
Yoruba language of the Mageia team team
Nepali language of the Mageia team team

As a Translator

Ukrainian language of the Yum team team
Ukrainian language of the Blivet team team
Ukrainian language of the Clementine Music Player team team
Ukrainian language of the python-fedora team team
Ukrainian language of the PulseCaster team team
Ukrainian language of the calibre team team
Ukrainian language of the Deepin Software team
Ukrainian language of the meteo-qt team team
Ukrainian language of the Deepin Desktop Environment team
Ukrainian language of the Magic team team
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Short bio:

KDE Ukrainian coordinator

