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xendez Profile
Member since: Tue 26 May 2015

As a Manager

Portuguese language of the hotosm-translators team
Portuguese language of the overpass turbo team team
Portuguese (Brazil) language of the SuperTux team
Portuguese (Portugal) language of the Scribus Translation team
Portuguese language of the fp-web team team
Portuguese (Portugal) language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team
Portuguese language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team
Portuguese (Brazil) language of the Awesome Translators of Zero-K team
Portuguese (Portugal) language of the Digital Clock 4 team team
Portuguese (Portugal) language of the Mailpile team

As a Translator

Portuguese language of the locator-tool team team
Portuguese language of the JOSM team team
Portuguese language of the OSM Awards Team team
Portuguese language of the OSVUploadr team team
Portuguese language of the Level0 Team team
Portuguese language of the Enigma team team
Portuguese language of the calibre team team
Portuguese language of the flare-engine team team
Portuguese language of the MegaGlest team team
Portuguese (Portugal) language of the OSM Streak team team
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Short bio:

I like (no, I love) translate open source software. Unfortunately I'm not a developer so I can't contribute to the source code :-( except in translations. So I do what I can.


English, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal)