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mentaljam Profile
Member since: Sat 30 May 2015

As a Manager

Russian language of the harbour-storeman team team
Russian language of the harbour-recorder team team
Arabic language of the MSUProj team team
Greek language of the harbour-recorder team team
Chinese (China) language of the YTPlayer team team
Dutch (Netherlands) language of the YTPlayer team team
Hungarian (Hungary) language of the YTPlayer team team
Portuguese (Brazil) language of the YTPlayer team team
Russian language of the harbour-mashka team team
German (Germany) language of the harbour-shipyard team team

As a Translator

Russian language of the Framrekkari team team
Russian language of the SailorGram team team
Russian language of the Kaktus team team
Russian language of the QGIS Desktop team
Russian language of the coderus translators sailfishos team team
Russian language of the Jupii team team
Russian language of the senaite-core team team
Russian (Russia) language of the harbour-gpsinfo team team
Russian (Russia) language of the YTPlayer team team
Russian (Russia) language of the authentik team team
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English, Russian, Russian (Russia)