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lyubomirv Profile
Member since: Thu 14 Nov 2013
Lives in: Bulgaria

As a Manager

Bulgarian (Bulgaria) language of the Transifex team team
Bulgarian language of the NodeBB team team
Bulgarian language of the Pragha team team
Bulgarian language of the Mini Metro team
Bulgarian language of the Tiled Translators team
Bulgarian language of the Wildfire Games Translators team
Bulgarian language of the SuperTux team
Bulgarian language of the Widelands team team
Bulgarian language of the SuperTuxKart team team
Bulgarian language of the MATE Desktop Environment team team

As a Translator

Bulgarian language of the telegram-purple team team
Bulgarian language of the coolreader-pocketbook team team
Bulgarian language of the Arduino IDE 1.5 team team
Bulgarian language of the Scratch translators team
Bulgarian language of the ScratchJr team team
Bulgarian language of the Pidgin team team
Bulgarian language of the Tvheadend team team
Bulgarian language of the qt team team
Esperanto language of the SuperTuxKart team team
Esperanto language of the Mini Metro team
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Bulgarian, Bulgarian (Bulgaria), English, Esperanto