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joedalton Profile
Member since: Fri 29 Jan 2010
Lives in: København, Danmark

As a Manager

Danish language of the 4Pane team team
Danish language of the Midnight Commander team team
Danish language of the Arch Linux Pacman package manager team team
Danish language of the DoudouLinux team team
Danish language of the MATE Desktop Environment team team
Danish language of the Lil' Debi team team
Danish language of the Audacious team team
Danish language of the Enigma team team
Amharic language of the DoudouLinux team team
Acoli language of the DoudouLinux team team

As a Translator

Aragonese language of the DoudouLinux team team
Armenian language of the DoudouLinux team team
Basque language of the DoudouLinux team team
Belarusian language of the DoudouLinux team team
Bosnian language of the DoudouLinux team team
Croatian language of the DoudouLinux team team
Czech language of the DoudouLinux team team
Hungarian language of the DoudouLinux team team
Icelandic language of the DoudouLinux team team
Romanian language of the DoudouLinux team team
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