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fri Profile
Member since: Wed 02 Jun 2010

As a Manager

Czech language of the Lollypop translation team team
Czech language of the Team 1 team
Czech language of the Applications team team
Czech (Czech Republic) language of the Applications team team
Czech language of the Civ IV: AND translation team
Czech language of the stuntrally team team
Czech language of the qt5ct team team
Czech language of the KaOS team team
Czech language of the Paperwork team team
Czech language of the ProjectLibre team team

As a Translator

Czech language of the MuseScore Translators team
Czech language of the Kapow team team
Czech language of the yarock team team
Czech language of the CKEditor team team
Czech language of the Clementine Music Player team team
Czech language of the Xfce team team
Czech language of the DoudouLinux team team
Czech language of the Audacious team team
Czech language of the Turpial team team
Czech (Czech Republic) language of the Musique team team
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