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SSimic Profile
Member since: Fri 29 May 2015
Lives in: Serbia, Belgrade

As a Manager

Serbian language of the Roundcube Webmail team team
Serbian (Latin) language of the smplayer team team
Serbian language of the Blue Systems Transifex Team team
Serbian language of the I2P team team
Serbian language of the Nextcloud Server team team
Serbian language of the Delta Chat team team
Serbian language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team
Serbian (Latin) language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team
Serbian (Serbia) language of the Delta Chat team team

As a Translator

Serbian language of the Clementine Music Player team team
Serbian language of the Gnu Privacy Guard team
Serbian language of the Calamares team team
Serbian language of the SolydXK Translators team
Serbian language of the Popcorn Time team
Serbian language of the Butter Project team
Serbian language of the NoScript team
Serbian language of the team team
Serbian (Latin) language of the Calamares team team
Serbian (Latin) language of the Clementine Music Player team team
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Serbian, Serbian (Latin), Serbian (Latin) (Serbia), Serbian (Serbia)