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Naofumi Profile
Member since: Sat 30 Aug 2014


"Отлично переводит с русского на японский!"

As a Manager

Japanese language of the Plumble team team
Japanese language of the Pixelknot team
Japanese language of the Courier team
Japanese language of the SecureSmartCam team team
Japanese language of the Gnu Privacy Guard team
Japanese language of the InformaCam team
Japanese language of the JustPayPhone team
Japanese language of the android-galaxyzoo team team
Japanese language of the oandbackup team team
Japanese language of the InTheClear team team

As a Translator

Japanese language of the AntennaPod team team
Japanese language of the Bitmask Team team
Japanese language of the Habitica contributors team
Japanese language of the SMSSync team team
Japanese language of the Ushahidi Android team team
Japanese language of the ics-openconnect team team
Japanese language of the Tomahawk Player team team
Japanese language of the Mailpile team
Japanese language of the Web Opac App team team
Japanese (Japan) language of the seadroid team team
