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AndiBing Profile
Member since: Thu 22 Nov 2012
Lives in: London, United Kingdom

As a Manager

English (United Kingdom) language of the Arduino IDE 1.5 team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Ushahidi Web team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Audacious team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Tomahawk Player team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the SOGo team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the PacketFence team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Bitmask Team [INACTIVE] team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Mupen64Plus AE team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the pychess team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Midnight Commander team team

As a Translator

English (United Kingdom) language of the Orbot team
English (United Kingdom) language of the GNU social team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the WP-Translations team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Roundcube Webmail team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the smplayer team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Nextcloud Server team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the iD Editor team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Ubuntu Budgie Translators team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Xfce team team
English (United Kingdom) language of the Tvheadend team team
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English, English (United Kingdom)