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AKEAmazan Profile
Member since: Sun 27 Sep 2015
Lives in: Lomé, Maritime, Togo

As a Manager

French language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team

As a Translator

French language of the OSM Streak team team
French language of the ODK translators team
French language of the Semantic UI Translators team
French language of the uMap team team
French language of the Mergin Maps team team
French language of the OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation team team
French language of the maproulette3 team team
French (France) language of the OSMTracker for Android team_from_nguillaumin team
French (France) language of the fixmystreet team team
French (France) language of the Mergin Maps team team
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Short bio:

Économiste, Développeur Web & passionné de SIG (Système d'Informations Géographiques) Web addict & Hacker OpenData et OpenSource Évangéliste Membre fondateur des communautés : - Minodoo, Fabrique d'innovations sociales, Tiers-lieu nomade au Togo - OpenStreetMap - Togo


Chinese (China), English, French, French (France), Russian